
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Link to deployed page.


Link to repository



  1. When the start button is clicked, a dynamic quiz container is appended to the page, complete with questions and choices in the form of buttons.
  2. After the quiz container is loaded, a timer starts counting down from 30 seconds.
  3. When the correct answer is clicked, the quiz container is replaced with the next question. If the wrong answer is clicked, 10 seconds are subtracted from the timer and a h2 stating "wrong answer" is displayed on the screen.
  4. When all of the questions are answered correctly or the timer reaches 0, the game is over and the quiz container is removed and replaced with a form. Here users will be required to insert their initials to store their score. The score has a value of the time remaining on the timer.
  5. On clicking the submit button within the form, the initials and score are stored in the local storage of the browser. Multiple initials and scores can be stored and kept. The user is then given the option to view their score data, clear their score data or return to the beginning of the quiz.


Here are some screenshots of my deployed application:

Screenshot1 Screenshot2 Screenshot3 Screenshot4