Employee Tracker


A command-line application that uses a SQL database to track employees, their roles, and their respective department within a company. When the user runs the application in the Terminal:

  • First the user is presented with a list of options for them to choose from.
  • Once the user selects an option, they are presented with question based on their selection.
  • The data within the database can be viewed, added to, updated and removed based on the user's selection.

Demo video

Please follow the link below to view a demonstration video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11qkEGMJfeerEHcfNrQCmok9EgdyAJRhI/view

Technologies used:

  • javaScript
  • node
  • inquirer
  • MySql


Ensure you have MySql before beginning to use this application. Seed your MySQL database using the seeds.sql file. Then run the following:

npm install