
A component which builds excellent Navigator + TabBar based application, have a good solution for implementing hidesBottomBarWhenPushed in iOS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Native TabBar Navigator (iOS only)

npm version MIT

A component which builds excellent Navigator(NavigationController) + TabBar(TabBarController) based application, have a good solution for implementing hidesBottomBarWhenPushed in iOS.

You can check out the sample App in React Native Playground https://rnplay.org/apps/XCZoBw



0.3.0 Test with several projects, and no obviously bug, so 0.3.0 will be a stable version.

0.2.8 Added a shadow style, make it more native, preview

0.2.7 Remove the hack on last commit, reason

0.2.6 Disabling the wired Y scale when pushing the view, which make it more similar to NavigatorIOS

0.2.4 Fixed a logical bug which caused a re-render issue.

0.2.3 New feature by @aerofs, title component can be customize now.

0.2 Stable Version

0.1 Project First Commit


cd to your React Native project directory and run

npm install react-native-tabbar-navigator --save

The version on npm will be slower than github, because the version on npm will be the stable version, if you want the latest version, you can do this

npm install DickyT/react-native-tabbar-navigator


import TabBarNavigator from 'react-native-tabbar-navigator';

The basic usages:

  onChange={(index)=>console.log(`selected index ${index}`)}>
  <TabBarNavigator.Item title='Tab 1' icon={{uri: base64Icon, scale: 3}}>
    <View style={style.tabContentStyle}>
        <Text>I am tab 1</Text>
  <TabBarNavigator.Item title='Tab 2' defaultTab>

SubView usage

in this case, <TabTwo/>

Pushing a view

  title: 'New Page',
  component: <NewPage/>

Changing the Navigator Bar Button, and customizing title component

class TabTwo extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

      leftItem: {
        component: (
          <TouchableOpacity style={[style.navItem, {marginRight: 7}]}>
            <Image style={{width: 20, height: 20}} source={{uri: shareImg}}/>
        event: function(popHelper) {
          AlertIOS.alert('The event comes from Left NavBar Item');
      rightItem: {
        component: (
          <TouchableOpacity style={[style.navItem, {marginRight: 7}]}>
            <Image style={{width: 20, height: 20}} source={{uri: shareImg}}/>
        event: function() {
          AlertIOS.alert('The event comes from Share Button on NavBar');
      title: {
        component: (
                style={ styles.segmentControl }
                values={['Pinned', 'All']}

You can change the Navigator Bar Buttons whenever you like, but manage the original title/component at your own

Advanced usage

For more advanced examples, please check out the example app.

How to run the example App?

Goto the example root directory, run npm install and npm start And open the project file TabBarNavigatorExample/ios/TabBarNavigatorExample.xcodeproj, and run it in XCode.

If the Simulator said that the server is not running, you can run the npm server yourself, just run the command in the terminal.

sh The/Place/You/Put/The/Example/In/TabBarNavigatorExample/node_modules/react-native/packager/packager.sh

If you still cannot run the example, you can just create a new react native project by

react-native init TabBarNavigatorExample

Then ```cd`` into your root directory of the new project

npm install react-native-tabbar-navigator

Then you can copy the index.ios.js in my TabBarNavigatorExample and be sure to cover the default one.

And you can run the new project in XCode.


The <TabBarNavigator/> object can take the following props:

  • navTintColor: The color of the text in Navigation Bar
  • navBarTintColor: The background color of the Navigation Bar
  • tabTintColor: The highlight color of the Tab Bar Item
  • tabBarTintColor: The background color of the Tab Bar
  • onChange: You can add your callback function here, it will be called once the selected tab is changed. It will bring you an Integer index when calling. Use like this way <TabBarNavigator onChange={callbackFunction} /> and
function callbackFunction(index) {
    console.log(`selected index ${index}`);

The this.props.navigator.push() takes one Object which can have the following keys:

  • title (required): The title of the incoming view
  • component (required): The component you want to push.

The this.props.navigator.setNavItems() takes one Object which can have the following keys:

  • leftItem: Takes an Object, parameters below
  • rightItem: Takes an Object, parameters below
  • title: Taks ONLY component parameters ,if you do not specify, and default will be uesed

The leftItem and the rightItem takes the same parameters:

  • component (required): The component you want to render
  • event (required): Takes a callback method, once the item clicked, it will be called. If is the Left Item, it will also passing an popHelper() back, call it when you want to pop the current page.


If something is undocumented here, and it is not clear with you, feel free to create an issue here, I will tried my best to answer you.

Anything else

Feel free to request new features, just create an issue. It will be very welcome to pull request for me.

My email me@idickyt.com

Facebook Dicky Tsang

Sina Weibo @桐乃