E-Commerce Project

Live Site: [https://e-commerce-by-mashry.web.app/]
Server side code: [https://github.com/kaziMashry/e-commerce-server]

Language, library, and packages:

  • JavaScript
  • React js
  • React router dom
  • Bootstrap
  • React hook form
  • Node Js (for back-end)
  • Mongo DB
  • Firebase authentication
  • HTML
  • CSS

Key features:

User can:

  • log in with Gmail, email or github(this was experimental).
  • add a product to the cart
  • remove a product from the cart
  • place order after providing the required information

Future Task:

  • Payment integration with the application.
  • Complete Manage Inventory page.

Resume: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/16hc-Pd4QrOeXGg8khFc2sq3RYKZD833D/view]