The source code for the work-in-progress bot that we use in our Discord server.
Contributions are welcome, feel free to check to ScriptersCF/Discord_Bot/ for reference.
- Log deleted + edited chat messages
- !stats command for everyone to view their stats
- !addpoints command for moderators to give user points
- !unaban and !unshban command for moderators to remove s&h ban and a-ban
- !latex command for anyone to convert text to latex in #maths channel
- !info command for moderators to view moderation history + roblox username of users
- !derole command for administrators to remove GJ participant role from everyone
- Automatically update user's level when they reach point threshold
- Automatically give user roles e.g. Verif lvl. 2, Regular, 10k Club
- Anti-spam feature that can mute users for too many messages within a certain period of time
- Automatically award users with relevant donator roles when they donate via webhook, or nitro boost server