
This repository is deprecated now. There is a new boilerplate available here

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This repository is deprecated now. There is a new boilerplate available here - https://github.com/SystangoTechnologies/react-redux-sagas-boilerplate

Code Style

Code style should be followed as specified in .editorconfig. See http://editorconfig.org/ for specifics.

Ideally, install your IDE plugin that supports .editorconfig to automatically reformat code.

To check the styles, run npm run styles. Failure to follow the styles will break the build!

Required reading


Generating favicon

Use Sketch to update favicon.sketch. Export favicon.png

See http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/thumbnails/#favicon how to use imagemagic to convert png to ico

Also in the future may use http://realfavicongenerator.net/ for more obsessive control.

Setting up on a new machine

npm update npm -g

npm install

npm start

PS - chickens rule!

#Configure your API in webpack config files CLOUD_SERVER & check for the same in src/store.js