

  • Install GPMC

Follow instructions in GPMC git to install GPMC.

  • Install pip


and then you can install Quokka# as a python module via pip:

pip install quokka_sharp


Quokka# provides two kinds of funcionalities: one is to simulate a quantum circuit, the other is to check the equivalence of two circuits.

Please first export TIMEOUT as

export TIMEOUT=3600

All the input circuits should be in QASM format. Here are some simple walkthroughs to use the tool.

import quokka_sharp as qk
import tempfile

# the path of the WMC tool
tool_invocation = "/Users/GPMC/bin/gpmc -mode=1"
# Parse the circuit
circuit1 = qk.encoding.QASMparser(qasmfile1, True)
# Set the input state to be all zero state.
# Encode the circuit
cnf = qk.encoding.QASM2CNF(circuit1)
# Choose firstzero or allzero
# Export to benchmarks
prob = qk.Simulate(tool_invocation, "circ.cnf")

Equivalence checking
# Parse the circuit
circuit1 = qk.encoding.QASMparser(qasmfile1, True)
# Parse another circuit
circuit2 = qk.encoding.QASMparser(qasmfile2, True)
# Get (circuit1)^dagger(circuit2)
# Get CNF for the merged circuit
cnf = qk.encoding.QASM2CNF(circuit1)
# Users can change the path for the cnf files by setting a different parameter to cnf_file_root, otherwise it would be in the tempfile.
# Users can set a different number N of paralleling processes. The default value is 16.
res = qk.CheckEquivalence(tool_path, cnf, cnf_file_root = tempfile.gettempdir(), N=16)
  • extention of the encodings Now the encoding support a universal gate set: CNOT, CZ, H, S, T, RX, RZ. If you want to add direct encoding of other gates, you should first install the package sympy by
pip install sympy

and add new encoding in ./encoding/cliffordt2cnf_py_codegen.py, then run the following command:

python3 cliffordt2cnf_py_codegen.py>cliffordt2cnf.py


Users can test the equivalence checking functionality of the tool by running eq_bench.sh under the folder experiment:


and test the simulation of the tool by running


This script tests all both random circuits and quantum algorithms under ./experiment/benchmark with the equivalent cases (optimized circuits) and three kinds of errors: 1 gate-missing, bit flip in CNOT gate and phase shift in a rotation gate (with shifting error 1e-4 and 1e-7).