
StayUp is a simple barebones uptime page for a configurable set of sites, web services and hosts in a local or remote deployment setting

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

StayUp Logo

StayUp is a simple barebones uptime page for a configurable set of sites, web services and hosts in a local or remote deployment setting. Find full, detailed list of changes in our CHANGELOG

StayUp Logo

Main screen showing primarily the latency graph which is updated in realtime for the past 2 minutes

StayUp Logo

Main screen showing an example of the service list which is also constantly up-to-date in real-time.

Usage (with client)

Using docker-compose, execute the following to start up the required services on your host:

docker-compose up -d

Note that the client code can be found here

Usage (only API server)

It is required that you have a running postgres database that the stayup server can write to. Modify the settings in a file (.env) or through environment variables.

Available Options

NOTE - These options are also set in the docker-compose.yml file and can be modified there for use of that deployment method

  • ALLOWED_ORIGINS : Comma-separated list of allowed origins able to connect and request data from this server. Configures CORS
  • DB_HOST : Hostname or IP Address for the postgres database server that you wish for StayUp to use
  • DB_PORT : Port that is open for StayUp to connect to the DB_HOST
  • DB_USER : The user which has permissions to connect, read, write and update data for StayUp within the selected host database
  • DB_PASS : Password for DB_USER
  • SERVICE_REFRESH_TIME_MS : The frequency that the StayUp server will check service reachability + record latency and uptime.
# download dependencies
go mod download

# build server executable
go build -o ./build/stayup

# now start the server by simply executing the binary