Maple - An OpenEyes Project

Maple is a data dictionary editor and data mapping tool for the OpenEyes foundation. It is an open source project and the most up to date version of the application can be accessed on the master branch.


The web application was developed using Ruby on Rails as its primary back-end framework, alongside the jQuery Javascript library, the Puma server, Bootstrap front-end framework, and the MySQL database management software for storing information relevant to the application.

Key Features

  • Add and edit systems for data dictionaries.
  • Define and edit data points for each data dictionary.
  • Handle multiple versions of each data dictionary.
  • Create mappings between the data points of two systems (whether they are different versions of the same system, or entirely separate systems), with the option to add written comments to make the relationship clearer.

Deploying and using Maple

Maple is a Ruby on Rails web application project. The Maple system manual contains the necessary information to deploy it. A user manual is also available to guide new users through the main functionalites of the application.