
A website and a discord bot to easily manage collabs for Geometry Dash

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT

GD Collab Manager

license discord

forks stars contributors

A website and a discord bot for easily managing collabs for Geometry Dash

Running the project

To run the project locally, you will need to copy the content of config.example.json to a config.json file and fill the required infos.

Also make sure that you have an up to date NodeJs version installed, and that all the dependencies are installed (use npm i).


To start the program, run npm run start. It will compile the scss and then launch the server.


To dynamically compile the scss stylesheets separately, you can use npm run scss.


All contributions from bug fixing to features addition or ideas are greatly appreciated. For anything like this, you can create an issue, and for any addition or modification on the code, create a pull request for it to be reviewed.

Need help ?

If you need any help, have any suggestion to make or want to report a bug, you can also join the Discord Server.