
OPSWAT coding challenge

Primary LanguageVue

OPSWAT ui challenge

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm rum serve

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Run your end-to-end tests

npm run test:e2e



Creates user

  • validates required fields and e-mail format on front end
  • displays back end validation errors


Logs in

  • validates required fields and e-mail format on front end
  • displays invalid login data error


Landing page

  • no logic


Possibility for user to edit their profile

  • validates required fields and e-mail format on front end
  • no backend validation errors
    • all validation can be done on front end
    • username and email uniqueness not validated on back end...


Possibility to delete user by email

  • had some difficulties implementing this one
    • logged in user cannot delete their profile
      • (back end validation error displayed)
    • we have no information about other users (no user list endpoint)
  • finally decided to implement a input field with e-mail format and required validation
    • user can enter random e-mail addresses to destroy
    • no hint from the back end if user with given e-mail ever existed


Articles list

  • shown in a table
  • link to new, show, edit pages
  • button to destroy action
    • destroy after confirmation


Create article

  • no validation as back end does not require any
  • after create redirection to list page with new article


Edit selected article

  • no validation as back end does not require any
  • after update redirection to list page with updated article


Show selected article

  • show article in greater detail
  • tried to show author but <backend_url>/articles/:slug endpoint does not provide any hint about author


Logs out

  • button in the main layout
  • destroys session and redirects to login page
  • when requesting a url where logged in user is required, redirection to login page