
Streamlab chatbot script. This script add additional command and action for viewers

Primary LanguagePython

#Streamlab-Chatbot-Python-MoreCommandAndAction Streamlab chatbot script. This script add additional command and action for viewers

================ Script Information =====================
  • ScriptName: MC&A
  • Website: https://twitch.tv/stachopl
  • Description: Now your viewers has new interaction and commands
  • Creator: StachoPL
  • Version:
================= Script Instalation ======================

To use this addon you must have installed python 2.7 and Streamlab Chatbot

Link to python: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.13/python-2.7.13.msi

  • Download release script from github
  • Open Streamlab Chatbot
  • Go to scripts tab
  • On right site click Import
  • Now select ZIP file what you get from Release
================= Command list ======================
  • followage - User can check how long time follow your channel
  • game - users can check stream category(game, etc)
  • upstream - user can check how long you stream
  • gamble - Mini game, user can win or loss points
  • throw - Mini game, user can throw point to another user
================= Command Config ======================

All cammand has similar config. First you have MA&A Core. There you mast put the currency name and select language(English or Polish).

Next other command has fields like Command active, Command, Permission, Info, Cooldown, response

  • Command active - Field for define command active
  • Command - Field for define whats user must write to run command
  • Permission - Field for define who can use command
  • Info - Field for feature function (unused)
  • Cooldown - Field for define how long time must past to use again time this command
  • Response - Field for define command response.

All command has special variables.

  1. Followage:
    • $username - Display user name
    • $followage - Time how long time is following
  2. Game:
    • $game - Display current game
  3. Upstream:
    • $uptime - display uptime your stream
  4. Gamble:
    • $username - display user name
    • $amount - display how many user win or loss
    • $currency_name - display currency name(this name is set in MA&A Core)
  5. Throw:
    • $username - display target user name
    • $amount - display how many user win or loss
    • $currency_name - display currency name(this name is set in MA&A Core)
================= Bug report ======================

If you find any bugs or you have some suggestion use github issus page or join to my discord: https://discord.com/invite/4aY9yKxTut