
Flutter application is designed to help users plan and manage their trips. It leverages various technologies and packages to provide a seamless experience for trip planning and management.


Mobile app to create ideal plan for your trip

This Flutter application is designed to help users plan and manage their trips. It leverages various technologies and packages to provide a seamless experience for trip planning and management.

Technologies and Packages Used

  • Rest API: We utilize Rest API to fetch and exchange data with external services, enhancing the app's functionality and access to information.

  • Bloc: The Bloc pattern is employed to manage the app's state, making it easier to handle complex user interactions and data flow.

  • Sqflite: Sqflite is used as a local database solution, allowing users to store and retrieve trip-related data on their device for offline access.

  • Firebase: Firebase services are integrated for user authentication.


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  • Save user email in shared preferences to avoid some of the errors
  • Add posibility to edit already added trip
  • Add user page


To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Flutter installed on your computer. From your command line:

    git clone https://github.com/SzybkiRito/flutter_travel_app.git
    cd flutter_travel_app
    flutter pub get
    flutter run