
This is pretty bad and stupid way to make database

Primary LanguageC++

SQLame logo


That's my attempt to create most Lame, and propably slowest database.


Main idea is to create database engine which allows to store data.


But worse.

Connection mechanism

I want it to provide TCP connection, by this I mean HTTP/HTTPS, and rest API


As name of this project suggest I want it to be SQL'ish - but worse. It won't be pure SQL syntax, but SQL in JSON.

    "SELECT": {
        "COLUMNS": ["id", "value", "valid"],
        "FROM": "my_table",
        "WHERE": {
            "id": {
                "IN": [123, 456],
        "ORDER": {
            "BY": "id",
            "HOW": "ASC"


I want this engine to be managable from website. And here as always Vue.js.

Data processing

I want data to be compressed, and encrypted.

  • Compression - Zstandard
  • Encryption - openssl/AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)

File system

data/ - the main directory containing all database data.
├── metadata/ - directory containing metadata files.
│   ├── tables/ - directory containing metadata about tables.
│   │ └── table_name.meta - metadata file for a specific table.
│   └── indexes/ - directory containing metadata about indexes.
│       └── index_name.meta - metadata file for a specific index.
├── tables/ - directory containing table data.
│   └── table_name/ - directory for a specific table.
│       ├── data.db - data file storing the actual table records.
│       └── index_name.idx - index file for a specific table.
└── logs/ - directory containing transaction log files.
    └── log_0001.log.


Install with vcpkg

vcpkg install nlohmann-json
vcpkg install spdlog
vcpkg install POCO
vcpkg install POCO[netssl]


Project will compile without problems if vcpkg is inside of this same directory as SQLame

├── SQLame\
├── vcpkg\


  • resolve CREATE TABLE querry
  • resolve DROP TABLE querry
    • delete also table data
  • resolve INSERT VALUES querry
    • check not null values
    • check unique values
    • use of autoincrement
  • resolve SELECT querry