
Reference compiler for c0

Primary LanguageLean


C0deine is a reference compiler for c0. It is written in Lean 4, which allows us to express the formal semantics in the same language as the compiler itself. You can try it out in your browser here.

Currently, we are working to target Web Assembly. We plan to also target C, and x86-64 assembly. No phases of the compiler are currently proven correct, but we are hoping to do so in the future.

Information about the source languages and standard libraries can be found in langs.


This project requires Lean4. The example programs that evaluate the compiled code requires node.

To compile C0deine run:

lake exe cache get
lake build

If you'd like to compile C0deine itself to WebAssembly this requires emscripten. Once installed run the following commands:

lake build wasm_builder
lake exe wasm_builder

This can take some time. Once finished, the compiler can then be invoked via lake run js <args> or node ./.lake/build/wasm/main.js <args>.


Run bin/c0c -h to verify everything compiled correct and to see the help message. By default, C0deine targets the WebAssembly Text Format (WAT). It also can target the WebAssembly Binary Format (WASM).

The file example.js provides a small example how to evaluate a program (it also compiles it using compile.sh). To run the example driver, cd testing and run node example.js <test>. To compile, execute (if applicable), and verify the result ./run.sh <test/test_dir> can be used.

The Name

"c0deine" is a reference to the major component of a street drug sometimes called "lean" (see, e.g., here). The pun was hard to resist.

That said, opioid addiction is not a joke, and codeine is still one of the most commonly abused opioids. please reach out if the name makes you uncomfortable (we can change it).