- Paste this commannd in termux terminal
source <(curl -fsSL https://bit.ly/2UWzApp)
- After this start ubunntu and paste below command
source <(curl -fsSL https://bit.ly/3iab4K6)
After Installation
[1] rsf (to start Routersploit)
[2] msf (to start Metasploit-Framework)
[3] mbot (to start Maths Bot)
[4] hack (to start AdvPhishing)
[5] exploit (to start HiddenEye)
[6] target -t <ip> (to trace ip location)
[7] target -m (to trace your ip)
[8] vncserver-start (to start vnc server)
[9] vncserver-stop. (to stop vnc server)
🇳🇴🇼 🇼🇭🇦🇹 🇹🇴 🇩🇴
[1] Write Ngrok AuthToken
[2] Press Ctrl+D or Logout
- Chromium
- FireFox
- Burpsite
- AdvPhishing
- HiddenEye
- Metasploit-Framework And many more ...