An implementation of the LZSS lossless data compression algorithm in VHDL

Primary LanguageVHDL


An implementation of the LZSS lossless data compression algorithm in VHDL. The implementation adheres to the Intel Avalon Streaming Interface and is meant to be used as an accelerator for the Configurable Network Protocol Accelerator framework.


The implementation can be configured in the lzss.vdh file in the packages directory. Aside from the size of the sliding window, the process of finding matches in the processed data can be configured. The sliding window can either be scanned at once, or in multiple pipelined iterations.


For compression, the contents of the tx_acc folder are required. The top level component, tx_acc_top, is a state machine, which uses the match_finder component for finding matches. Depending on the amount of iterations specified in the lzss.vhd file, either the match_finder_single or match_finder_piped implementation is instantiated.


The decompression algorithm is implemented by the rx_acc_top component in the rx_acc directory. This component also implements a state machine, which is very similar to the one used for compression.


The repository contains a makefile for compilation, which uses the VHDL analizer, compiler and simulator ghdl. The only two targets required for compilation of the compression and decompression implementations are tx_acc and rx_acc respectively.


In the testbenches directory, two testbenches can be found, testing either the compression or decompression implementation. The tx_acc_top_tb testbench reads the file at testbenches/testdata/original, feeds it to the tx_acc_top component and stores its output in the file at testbenches/testdata/encoded. The rx_acc_top_tb testbench feeds the decompression algorithm with the testbenches/testdata/encoded file, storing the output in testbenches/testdata/decoded.

The simulation of the testbenches with ghdl can be invoked by adding sim=tx_acc or sim=rx_acc to the make command.