
This is virtual PCF control with dynamic data querying functionality based on Dataverse Web API. It allows creating a custom lookup to render the metadata dropdown such as entities, publishers, and solutions.

It really helps when you would like to create a custom configuration page.



Input config

Name Description Required Example
Endpoint Logical Name of the entity true publisher
Options $select and $filter part of the API request true ?$select=friendlyname,customizationprefix,publisherid
Field Name Key Name of the record unique identifier true publisherid
Field Name Text Name of the record Display Name true friendlyname
Text Field Template Template of the Display Name, supporting values from the record false {{friendlyname}} ({{customizationprefix}})

Output parameter

The output of the control is the record unique identifier, guid.




Config example

exapmle config


  • ✅ Styles of the disabled control
  • ✅ Autocomplete
  • ✅ Render selected value
  • ✅ Empty field placeholder: ---
  • Vitrual component
  • ✅ Build and release with GitHub Actions