
This Repository consists of some Python Beginner Level Projects.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Size License Prettier

Steps to be performed:

  • pip install PyAutoGUI
  • Read more about PyAutoGUI

Steps to be performed:

  • import os
  • The file which is to be changed, jumps to that location.
  • Then list all the items and start traversing one by one.
  • If the file is found, rename the file extension.

Steps to be performed:

  • import os
  • Read more about OS
  • Jump to the location where you want changes.
  • Like you want to change all the names of files that contain the extension ".JPG", select them.

Steps to be performed:

Steps to be performed:

  • import random
  • At first, your move will be recorded and along with you, Computer moves recorded.

Steps to be performed:

  • pip install pytesseract
  • pip install Pillow
  • Visit and Install Tesseract
  • Scroll down you will find the latest installers, you can choose 32 bit or 64 bit.
  • Then open the Image in your system, and convert it to text.

Steps to be performed:

  • pip install PyPDF2
  • Must read PyPDF2 Documentation

Steps to be performed:

  • pip install pyzbar
  • Must read pyzbar Documentation

Steps to be performed:

  • pip install PyPDF2
  • Must read PyPDF2 Documentation

Steps to be performed:

  • pip install pyzbar
  • Must read pyzbar Documentation
  • pip install PyQRCode
  • Must read PyQRCode Documentation

Steps to be performed:

© 2021 Satyam Tripathi