
Provides a way to send requests using existing message channels.

This is useful for places such as webworkers, node worker_threads or even websocket connections.

Basic Example:

Imagine port1 as the html page setting up a webworker and port2 as the web worker itself.

const {MessageChannel} = require("worker_threads");
const {MessagingChannel} = require("messaging-channels");

const {port1, port2} = new MessageChannel();

// setup the channels for the first side of the js MessageChannel
const channel1 = new MessagingChannel();
port1.on("message", channel1.registerOnMessage());
channel1.registerPostMessage(data => port1.postMessage(data));

const channel2 = new MessagingChannel();
port2.on("message", channel2.registerOnMessage());
channel2.registerPostMessage(data => port2.postMessage(data));

After that setup you can now register a listener on either side and then fetch or send data.

channel1.on("test-event", (event) => {
	let val = 2 *;
	} else{

Now send or fetch some data from channel2

channel2.send("test-event", 4); // console output: 8
channel2.fetch("test-event", 6).then(val =>{})// val is equal to 12 

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