
Some helper tools to follow certain commit-message - and branch-naming conventions

Primary LanguageShell

How to install mkbranch, mkcommit and install-git-hooks

git clone https://github.com/T-vK/git-tools.git
cd git-tools


Guides you through the creation of a branch using a certain commit convention


Guides you through the creation of creating a commit with a commit message using a certain convention


Installs a commit hook in the repository you run it. This hook prevents you from accidentally making commits with messages that don't follow the convention. (The hook itself can't be committed or pushed and only works on the machine you installed it on.)

To uninstall it again, delete the .git/hooks/commit-msg file from the repositories in which you ran install-git-hooks and delete the export PATH="$PATH:/xxxxxxxxxxx/git-tools/bin" line from your ~.bashrc and/or ~/.zshrc file.