
Getting Started

  • Clone this repository
  • cd digikare-didomi
  • npm install


Create a .env file and define the following :

  • JWT_SECRET - JSON Web Token encryption password
  • JWT_TIME - JSON Web Token expiration time (default: 10 minutes)

Technical choices

  • Typescript
  • Sequelize
  • SQLite
  • Jest
  • ESLint

Available Commands

  • debug - Launch the server in debug mode using ts-node-dev
  • start - Start the compiled version of the server
  • clean - Remove directories (coverage, build, tmp)
  • build - Build project
  • build:watch - Build project watch
  • build:release - Build project for release
  • lint - Lint source files and tests
  • test - Run tests
  • test:watch - Interactive watch mode to automatically re-run tests

API Routes

Route Method Body Params
/users POST Create a new User { email: string! } -
/users GET Get current User - -
/users DELETE Delete current User - -
/events POST Create a new Event { id: string ("email_notifications" / "sms_notifications")!, enabled: boolean! } -