
Docker image to build firmware for the Freifunk München community. Clone from Magdeburg

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Freifunk München Docker build image

Docker image to build firmware for the Freifunk München community.

The build process is started automatically when the container is run. There is no need to manually run commands inside the container anymore.

Pull Docker image

from Github

docker login docker.pkg.github.com
docker pull docker.pkg.github.com/t0biii/gluon-docker/ffmuc:latest

from Docker Hub

docker pull t0biii/gluon-docker:latest

Build the experimental Firmware for FFMUC

For GitHub

docker run --rm --name ffmuc -v "$(pwd)/site-ffm:/site-ffm" docker.pkg.github.com/t0biii/gluon-docker/ffmuc:latest

For Docker Hub

docker run --rm --name ffmuc -v "$(pwd)/site-ffm:/site-ffm" t0biii/gluon-docker

Build the stable Firmware for FFMUC

For GitHub

docker run --rm --name ffmuc -e "FFMUC_VERSION=stable" -v "$(pwd)/site-ffm:/site-ffm" docker.pkg.github.com/t0biii/gluon-docker/ffmuc:latest

For Docker Hub

docker run --rm --name ffmuc -e "FFMUC_VERSION=stable" -v "$(pwd)/site-ffm:/site-ffm" t0biii/gluon-docker

The Firmware files can be found in $(pwd)/site-ffm/output after the container has been successfully run

HINT: Add "-d" before the image name to run the Container in the background example:

docker run --rm --name ffmuc -e "FFMUC_VERSION=stable" -v "$(pwd)/site-ffm:/site-ffm" -d t0biii/gluon-docker

Docker-Compose example

See docker-compose-github.yml for Github Pull

See docker-compose-dockerhub.yml for Docker Hub Pull

after downloading you have to rename the file to docker-compose.yml and place it in a folder

Shell trail (advanced)

This section shows the commands that are needed to run a build with the Docker image. Make sure you know what you are doing before hitting the Enter key.

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/T0biii/gluon-docker.git
cd gluon-docker/

Use the following commands on the host to create and run the docker image:

docker build -t ffmuc-experimental .
docker run -it --name ffmc ffmuc-experimental 

The container will automatically start the firmware build process.

You can run the container with some environment variables to change the version for the build

docker run --name ffmc -e "FFMUC_REPO=https://github.com/T0biii/site-ffm.git" -e "FFMUC_VERSION=stable" ffmuc-experimental

To start the container with an arbitrary command, you can:

docker run -it --name ffmc ffmuc-experimental "/bin/bash"

You can run a shell in an existing container with the following command:

docker exec -it ffmc /bin/bash

To restart the image once it has been stopped:

docker start -i ffmuc

Once you are done, container and image can be deleted by calling

docker rm ffmc
docker rmi ffmuc-experimental

The build needs up to 142G GB of hard disk space. If the docker environment cannot provide the neccessary space, the path /site-ffm should be bound to a different directory:

docker run -it --name ffmuc \
    -v "$(pwd)/site-ffm:/site-ffm" \

This will create and bind the directory site-ffm in the current working directory to the container's output directories.