

ext_trait is a procedural macro which provides you with a shortcut to the extension trait pattern


Note that IntelliJ Rust really dislikes this macro, i.e. displays errors even if there are none. This stems from the plugin's linter's limited understanding of procedural macros.

  • Simple
use ext_trait::ext;

// No argument to the macro => A trait name is generated
impl u8 {
    fn foo(self) -> u8 { self + 1 }

// this controls the visibility of the generated trait (you can also provide `pub(crate)` etc.)
impl u16 {
    fn bar(self) -> u16 { self + 2 }

assert_eq!(1u8.foo(), 2);
assert_eq!(1u16.bar(), 3);
  • One large example
use ext_trait::ext;

macro_rules! foo {
    () => { const BAR: usize = 2; }

trait SameType<T> {
    const OK: () = ();
impl<T> SameType<T> for T {}

// The argument is the name of the generated trait
#[ext(MyVecU8Ext)] // this trait is private (no `pub`)
impl Vec<u8> {
    const FOO: usize = 1;

    type Foo = usize;

    fn foo(&self) -> usize { 1 }

    // this specific case works as of now
    // but macros are expanded in the trait *and* in the impl
    // which can lead to problems

// named ext traits can also be public
#[ext(pub MyVecU16Ext)]
impl Vec<u16> {
    const FOO: usize = 2;

let v: Vec<u8> = vec![1, 2, 3];
assert_eq!(Vec::<u8>::FOO, 1);
let _assert_same_type: () = <usize as SameType<<Vec<u8> as MyVecU8Ext>::Foo>>::OK;
assert_eq!(v.foo(), 1);
assert_eq!(Vec::<u8>::BAR, 2);
assert_eq!(Vec::<u16>::FOO, 2);
  • Generics
use ext_trait::ext;

impl<T: Clone> Vec<T>
where T: Eq, (): Copy
    pub fn second(&self) -> Option<&T> {

let mut v = vec![1];
assert_eq!(v.second(), None);
assert_eq!(v.second(), Some(&2));

Comparison to similar crates

  • easy_ext only supports methods and constants, not types and macro invokations; also, the implementation is different
    • to be fair, macro invokations are impossible to fully support with this pattern (as far as I can see)


  • The generated trait doesn't retain implicit trait bounds, specifically impls for (implicitly) Sized types are not converted into traits that require Self: Sized
    • Mostly, this leads to no problem since the type is often either explicitly ?Sized or the ext trait only gets implemented for sized types
    • In case of any problems, just add a where Self: Sized bound to the impl and all is good (see example below)
  • Because the random trait names are created using hashing of the input, there is a tiny chance of a collision.
    • In that case, you can define a macro that expands to nothing and insert it into the impl. That should shake up the hash a bit.

Example: Fixing Sized-Issue

The following code will not compile:

use std::marker::PhantomData;
use ext_trait::ext;

pub struct AssertSized<T>(PhantomData<T>);

impl<T> T {
    fn foo(self) -> AssertSized<Self> { AssertSized(PhantomData) }

Fixed code:

use std::marker::PhantomData;
use ext_trait::ext;

pub struct AssertSized<T>(PhantomData<T>);

impl<T> T
    where Self: Sized
    fn foo(self) -> AssertSized<Self> { AssertSized(PhantomData) }

Alternative Fix (in this case):

use std::marker::PhantomData;
use ext_trait::ext;

pub struct AssertSized<T>(PhantomData<T>);

impl<T: Sized> T {
    fn foo(self) -> AssertSized<Self> { AssertSized(PhantomData) }

Note also that something like #[ext] impl<T> [T] where Self: Sized { … } will compile, but won't do anything since [T] is never Sized.