Sailpoint Identity IQ Dockerized


Please note that Identity IQ is closed source so you first need to get a license for Idenity IQ and go to to download the software. You will put the downloaded into the build/src/ directory to get started. I provide a dummy file for demo purposes. This does not include ANY Sailpoint proprietary code and can only be used to check if this "dockerization" works.


Debian Jessie, Oracle JDK 8 and Tomcat 8 based docker container. Inspired by dodorka/tomcat

Container will run in background, IIQ will be run from mounted volume.


  • Oracle JDK 1.8.1xx (pulling latest version automatically)
  • Tomcat 8.5.29 (maybe you need to change this to current version)
  • Git, wget, curl, build-essential
  • mariadb database


Get started with docker for Windows here:


Exports a volume on /opt/tomcat/webapps (if you use this, you need to expand your identityiq.war manually to that directory. You can mount the volume on startup to a local directory containing your war file or exploded war directory.


Two ports are exposed:

  • 8080: default Tomcat port.
  • 8009: default Tomcat debug port.

Remember to map the ports to the docker host with "docker run" or in docker-compose.yml.

How to run the container

Using docker compose

Build with:

docker-compose build

Please do not upload this docker container to a public docker registry: Sailpoint IIQ is closed source and not publicly available.

If you have docker-compose installed, you can just launch:

sudo docker-compose up



Go to http://localhost:8080/identityiq. User: spadmin Password: admin

A warning regarding admin user for tomcat management console

  • Please note that the image contains a tomcat-users.xml file, including an admin user (password admin). For the time being, should you wish to change that, fork this repo and modify the xml file accordingly.
  • The manager application is accessible from all hosts, an appropriate configuration was deployed to /opt/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/manager.xml