
VS Code Language Extension for Cython

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Main Repository

Cyright LSP Repository

Cython Language Extension for VS Code

VS Code Cython Demo


  • Syntax highlighting
  • Static syntax checking for C and CPP syntax
  • Go to definitions
  • Import resolver for .pyx and .pxd files


This extension provides syntax highlighting and a Static Syntax checker for the Cython language. Cython is a superset of Python with it's own C-styled syntax mixed with Python syntax.

The static checker is based on Pyright and will only support Cython/Python syntax version 3.0 and above.

This extension uses the configured Python interpreter/venv path from the VS Code Python extension.


These features would be nice to have but are not implemented.

  • In-depth type analysis
  • C headers analysis / inline C code analysis


  • If no problems are reported will my code compile?

    No. There are no guarantees that code will be compiled correctly


Please report any issues in this repo.


Install with VS Code

Install normally through the extensions tab.

Install from source

  • Clone repo. For installation clone in the <user home>/.vscode/extensions folder.

  • Ensure submodules are fetched with:

    git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Install npm

  • Run:

    make install



To setup development environment:

  • Follow the instructions for Installing from source (repo can be cloned anywhere on filesystem)

  • Install development npm packages:

    make dev
  • To rebuild lang-server and syntax file, Run:

    make build

Syntax highlighting changes

Any changes should be made to ./grammars/cython.syntax.yaml

The syntax file will need to be re-generated for VS Code to see changes.

To re-generate syntax file run:

make syntax

Language Server (Cyright) Development

Pull requests should be created under the Cyright Repository.

There is a 'Watch Extension' task to aid in development. The language server can be debugged by launching the 'Extension' launch target and then launching the 'Attach Server' target.