
Gruvbox Material Theme for Telegram Desktop

Primary LanguageMakefile

Gruvbox Material Theme for Telegram Desktop

This repo contains a gruvbox material theme for telegram desktop.

This theme was forked from and builds upon Bryan Gilbert's work Gruvbox Theme for Telegram Desktop which derived from Aleksandr's original work "Solid Dark" theme

The color palette was curated from Sainnhe Park's gruvbox-material vim color theme, a modified version of Gruvbox.




  1. Create zip

    $ make [THEME=<theme file>] [BACKGROUND=<background file>]

    You can use the THEME variable to set the name of the resulted theme file and BACKGROUND to specify the background file.

    Correct values for BACKGROUND:

    • tile.jpg
    • tile.png
    • background.jpg
    • background.png
  2. Send zip file to yourself (or someone else)

  3. Click on file to install theme