$ git clone https://github.com/fwsmasher/rigtools
$ cd rigtools
$ npm i
# Create a file named `server_config.json`# Then paste in `{"updater_url":"localhost:8080"}` (Or whatever your websocket URL is)
$ npm start
Then visit devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools_app.html in your browser
Open a new tab and visit devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools_app.html?experiments=true&ws=*websocket url*
Click on Network
Then click on the gray box twice
Entrypoint (or main script) when running devtools xss.
Script passed to extension to run code, such as disabling extensions.
Chrome URLs
Elevated URLs that have extra access to features such as WebUI.
Only modify the entrypoint when necessary. If not modified properly, thigns such as the updater will break, do not remove any buttons and reuse ids.