mRemoteNG OpenVPN External tool


Connect to OpenVPN via mRemoteNG external tool.


  • Automatically connect to the right OpenVPN configuration before attempting to connect to the RDP.
    • Can detect if OpenVPN is already running with the right configuration.
  • When connecting, the script will try to read the logfile and close when connected. // TODO : Stop if error
    • If not able to access the logfile, then wait 15 sec.
  • Automaticlly disconnect the VPN when the RDP connection is closed.
    • Before disconnecting the VPN, the script can check if there are others connected session in mRemoteNG still needing the VPN.


External Tool

The Userfield is used to pass parameters.
Two external tools are needed, one to connect and another to disconnect.
They must have the option 'Wait for exit' enabled :

Connection :

"path\to\file\RDPOpenVPN.ps1" -u %USERNAME% -p %PASSWORD% -config %USERFIELD%

Disconnection :

"path\to\file\RDPOpenVPN.ps1" -deco -config %USERFIELD%

Session Configuration

Userfield should contain the OpenVPN configuration name and -askdeco if needed.

Before external tool = Connection
After external tool = Disconnection

PS: OpenVPN folder should be added in PATH or the folder location must be added in the script. PPS: Enable silent connection in OpenVPN-gui.

-deco Used for disconnection.
-askdeco Will prevent the disconnection if there are other connected session in mRemoteNG with the same onfig.
-vpn <string> For future improvement, if more vpn can be added.
-config <string> The name of the OpenVPN config.
-u <string> Used to retrieve the username from mRemoteNG.
-p <string> Used to retrieve the password from mRemoteNG.
/!\ Special Character Escaping /!\. Check doc for more info.
-w <int> Set a wait time in sec if the script was not able to find the VPN log. Default is 15 sec.

I lost the game.