The OldSchool Runescape Computer Vision Bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The OSRS Computer Vision Bot

  • This bot is an image bot, meaning it interacts with the game client the same way a human does: by looking for specific images or patterns and responding accordingly. No client injection, reflection, or modifications of any kind are used. This makes the program undetectable using traditional methods.
  • All interactions with the game client are randomized to the greatest extent possible. This includes randomized mouse movements, click coordinates, wait durations, and session durations.
  • If you have a question about how the program works, please open an issue.
  • Alchemy: Alchemy GIF
  • Banking and navigation: Chef GIF
  • For a full list of behaviors, see docs/scenarios/


  • Requires Python 3.9+
  1. Clone this repository into your home directory.
cd ~
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/takelley1/OCVBot.git
  1. Create and activate a Python virtual environment.
cd OCVBot
python3 -m venv ocvbot_venv
source ./ocvbot_venv/bin/activate
  1. Install OCVBot's Python dependencies into your virtual environment.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create a file in the credentials directory called username.txt and add your account's username to it.
echo "ThisIsMyUsername" > ./ocvbot/credentials/username.txt
  1. Create another file in the credentials directory called password.txt and and your account's password to it. Accounts with 2-factor authentication are not supported.
echo "ThisIsMySuperSecretPassword" > ./ocvbot/credentials/password.txt
  1. In the ocvbot directory, copy config.yaml.example to config.yaml.
cp ./ocvbot/config.yaml.example ./ocvbot/config.yaml
  1. Read and edit config.yaml with your desired configuration settings.

  2. Check docs/scenarios for the proper client configuration settings and information about each script.

  3. Launch the OldSchool Runescape client. A wrapper script is provided in the tools directory.

  1. Adjust your client to match the screenshots in docs/scenarios. Make sure your character is in the correct starting position before running the bot.

  2. Start the bot.

python3 ./ocvbot/main.py
  • To stop the bot, use CTRL-C on the terminal window running the bot.
  • To exit the Python virtual environment, run deactivate.

NOTE: You must activate the Python virtual environment every time you wish to run the bot! Run cd ~/OCVBot && source ocvbot_venv/bin/activate


  • Currently OCVBot is configured via a few basic settings in the ocvbot/config.yaml file. Please see the comments in that file for information on how to configure each parameter.
  • The bot takes random short breaks, so don't be alarmed if it appears to do nothing for a short while. The program's log output will indicate when this occurs.
  • For more technical users, comprehensive API documentation is available in function docstrings.

This bot was written for educational purposes only. I am not responsible for how you use this software.