Tic Tac Toe Online Multiplayer Game

What we will cover?

  • Socket.io for absolute beginners 👍
  • Socket.io Rooms
  • Socket.io Class Controllers with Decorators
  • Socket.io with typescript
  • React client with socket.io server
  • Full fledged Tic Tac Toe game from scratch 🤓

How to run?

Start both backend and frontend with the command npm start

Game Rules

Field 3 to 3, 2 players, 15 seconds per move, if the move is not made within 15 seconds - count the victory to the opponent. Do not end the session between players until the exit button is pressed, that is, if we play with an opponent, then we play many games for a long time, respectively, we need a win / loss counter for each of the players. Add a final win condition if one player wins 3 times in a row or a total of 10 wins. At the end of the game - display the results.