

Primary LanguageGDScript

Godot Wild Jam #14




To activate debug mode:

  1. Open scenes/main.tscn
  2. Set debug variable in the properties to true (checked)

In your code, you can check for debug status with: Utils.is_debug()

Directory structure

  • addons: Every used addons, this game requires Ink to handle scripted events
  • assets: sounds, fonts, textures and so on
  • build: Project exports goes there
  • dialogs: Every scripted events goes here. One subdirectory per level please!
  • docs: Useful documents related to the project, not required for the game to work
  • entities: Entities that can be placed in any level
  • environments: Custom environments goes there, every level can define one custom environments (TODO: Maybe add one more for shadow realm?)
  • levels: Every level inheriting Level.tscn goes here. Add them to Game.tscn level array so they can be played
  • nodes: Generic project nodes here, documentation about that follows, keep reading
  • scenes: Main screens of the game. Typically, title screen, game screen, settings, ... main.tscn is the entry point
  • screenshots: This may go into assets? Screenshots used for advertising the game
  • scripts: General usage scripts. Currently contains Utils which is a singleton pre-loaded in project setting that can be used to access every game element from anywhere



Standalone camera for the game, used in the main scene.


Base scene for every NPC in the game and the Player. Contains speech bubble and choices features

Customize by inheriting that scene and extend: Character.gd

Customizable callbacks:

  • same as interactable


Every scene that posses this can load an Ink script and process it. Highly coupled with game logic


Base scene for every highlitable elements. Allows to give them a context menu and custom behavior for actions of that context menu

Customize by inheriting that scene and extend: Interactable.gd

Customizable callbacks:

  • _on_talk: Must return true for the action to be performed
  • _on_examine: Must return true for the action to be performed
  • _on_use
  • _on_take: Must return true for the action to be performed
  • _on_combination: When an item from inventory is used on this. Return true to consume inventory item


Base scene for every object in the game. Main difference with Character being they don't have speech features

Customize by inheriting that scene and extend: Item.gd

Customizable callbacks:

  • same as interactable


Base scene for every level in the game.

Customize by inheriting that scene and extend: Level.gd

Customizable callbacks:

  • on_start: called when the level is loaded


Can be moved and must be in the Level tree for most of the game logic to happen


Base scene for every invisble elements that should trigger given action under given conditions

Example: OneShotTrigger triggers a script when the Player pass through it

Customize by inheriting that scene and extend: Trigger.gd

Customizable callbacks:

  • on_triggered: Response to trigger event


The two button ressource at the root are used for the title screen and ce be reused for any other button too


Generic action button, used in the context menu. Better used with no label and a small icon


Choice UI used by the player (every character has it but it is not exploited/will not be exploited yet)


Contain all possible context menu


Manage the player's inventory


Generic display of any text on multiline Label


Used for general display of text. Used in Game scene


Used for Characters to talk