Student Result Management System

The objective of this project is to create a web-based platform for online student result management. The platform aims to provide easy access to results for students, allowing them to check their results anytime, anywhere, and using any device.


The purpose of this project is threefold:

  1. Ease of Access: The platform will make student results easily accessible, allowing students to check their results conveniently and efficiently.

  2. Automation and Error Reduction: By converting the result system into an automated and computerized system, the project aims to reduce manual errors and ensure accurate and reliable result management.

  3. Efficient Result Distribution: The project will streamline the process of providing examination results to students, making it quick and straightforward.


The project involves the following actors:

  • Administrator (Admin): The administrator is responsible for managing the overall system, including user accounts, result management, and system configurations.

  • Teacher: The teacher is responsible for inputting and updating student result data in the system.

  • Student: The student can access the platform to view and check their examination results.

Software Environment

The following software tools will be utilized for the development of this project:

  • Visual Studio Code: A source code editor for writing and editing the project's code.
  • Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18: A management tool for Microsoft SQL Server, which will be used for the database management of student result data.
  • PHP: A server-side scripting language for developing the backend logic of the platform.
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript: These web technologies will be used for creating the user interface and interactivity of the platform.
  • MySQL: A relational database management system that will be utilized for storing and managing the student result data.

Please note that the software environment and tools mentioned above are subject to change based on your specific requirements and preferences.


You can find the complete documentation of the Student Result Management System in the PPTX Documentation file. It provides detailed information about the architecture, implementation, and usage of the application.

Please modify and enhance this README file as per your project's specific requirements and additional features.

Replace link-to-pptx-documentation with the actual URL of your PPTX documentation file. Make sure the URL points directly to the PPTX file and is publicly accessible.