
nginx.conf incorrect for core media

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Shouldn't the value for nginx.conf line 111 be:

111               alias /srv/www/portal/server/media;



Is this file still used in whatever the improved DevOps setup is? (There is a PR out, but I don't know what it is—it may be on another repo, like Camino.) I was asked a question by @rstijerina that led me to believe the CMS stuff (this included?) is finally being ripped out.

Note: I see no precedent for Github issues (besides PRs), though. All Frontera Portal / CEPv2 issues are in JIRA's "Frontera Portal" project. A single JIRA "FP" ticket should suffice for both #238 and #237.

Thanks for catching these, @taoteg. And yes, they prefer to keep these as Jira tasks for reporting purposes. @taoteg, mind opening a PR with these fixes and tossing up a Jira? You can slot it under Backend Enhancements.

@tacc-wbomar, this nginx.conf file is only used locally - like you said a separate version lives in camino that is used for deploys, and my camino improvements won't affect nginx much initially.

Resolved in #341