

Provisioning a Tenant

  1. Create a client_secrets.py file with a CLIENT_USERNAME and CLIENT_PASSWORD (see client_secrets.example.py)
  2. Adjust the tenants, systems, and apps you wish to create in initialize_tenant.py
  3. Run python initialize_tenant.py to create/update the apps and systems in the tenants listed in TENANT_BASE_URLS

Creating a client

  1. (Optional) Install Tapipy in a pyenv environemnt a. pyenv install 3.11 b. pyenv virtualenv 3.11 tapipy c. pyenv local tapipy c. pip install tapipy
  2. Install ipython a. pip install ipython
  3. Initiate an ipython session a. ipython
  4. Create a client
from tapipy.tapis import Tapis
client = Tapis(base_url='https://portals.tapis.io', username='$USER', password='******')

Creating a credential

  1. Create a keypair locally a. ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 2048 -f ~/.ssh/$USER.frontera
  2. Copy the public key to your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the frontera host
ssh $USER@frontera.tacc.utexas.edu
echo $PUBKEY >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys`
  1. Copy the public and private key to the USER_CREDENTIAL_PRIVATE_KEY and USER_CREDENTIAL_PUBLIC_KEY values in client_secrets.py
  2. Adjust the systemId and base_url values for your desired tenant/system and run the create_client_credential.py script
  3. Test the keypair works by making a file listing on a system a. client.files.listFiles(systemId='frontera', path='/')