
Launcher for Go services (and other executables) accepting over9000 command-line flags

Primary LanguageGo

Launcher for Go services accepting over9000 command-line flags.

Reads parameters from config file and dumps then into command-line flags
for the service to be launched.

$ go get -u -a github.com/valyala/go-launcher
$ go build github.com/valyala/go-launcher
$ ./go-launcher -help


Suppose you have Go service, which accepts over9000 command-line flags.
You may launch it with:

  /path/to/service -flag1=value1 -flag2=value2 ... flag9000=value9000

The following approach is better - to create run-file with the following

  /path/to/service \
  	-flag1=value1 \
  	-flag2=value2 \
  	... \

Now you can easily modify any flag and track flags' modifications via SCM.
This approach has the following 'drawbacks':
1. The first string contains path to the service executable.
2. Each config line must have tab prefix and backslash suffix.
3. Run-file syntax is shell-specific and can be broken under another shell.

There is another 'smart' approach:

  cat /path/to/config | xargs /path/to/service

Where /path/to/config contains the following:


This approach eliminates aforementioned drawbacks, but has a problem -
it doens't support comments.

Go-launcher 'fixes' this problem:

  /path/to/go-launcher -appPath=/path/to/service -config=path/to/config/relative/to/appPath

Now /path/to/config/relative/to/appPath contains the following:

# comment1
flag1 = value1

# empty lines above
flag2 = value2
; commentX
flagN = valueN

# Since go-launcher changes services' working directory to appPath's directory,
# you can use paths relative to appPath in config and inside your service.
pathToData = "path/to/data/relative/to/appPath"

So, go-launcher makes manageble configs for go services accepting over9000
command-line flags.

See also https://github.com/vharitonsky/iniflags .