
An im@s telegram bot with weird content host on Heroku

Primary LanguagePython



This bot is running on telegram.
ID: @MisakiAobaBot


This bot is specialized for our im@s group


  • start - 我是765事務所的事務員,青羽美咲
  • help - 由青羽小姐提供您幫助
  • rule - 本群規則瀏覽
  • config - 設定,情報
  • tbgame - 765プロゲーム部入口,進去跟大家玩桌遊吧
  • nanto - なんとぉ!
    /nanto who#thing or /nanto thing
  • which - 把事情丟給美咲決定(用#井字號分隔事情)
    /which abc#123
  • quote - 每日一句
    /quote -f=[word]可以查詢名言
  • randpic - 召喚隨機圖片
    /randpic idol_name可以指定召喚
  • sticker - STICKERまとめ


  • quote: Record words that you interest, which will show when /quote command entered.
  • words reaction: Bot will say something when user enter some specific words.
  • group state record: Record the member and message number every time.
  • picture save and call: 使用idol@db功能儲存你喜歡的偶像圖。

Update Log

New Version: Beta 1.5 Update Date:2018/09/20

Beta 1.5

  1. Remove /randtsumugi and /randchihaya funcion.
  2. Add /randpic, which has more function


Contributions are Welcome!!
Please join the Telegram Group for more information.


You may copy, distribute and modify the software provided that modifications are described and licensed for free under LGPL-3. Derivatives works (including modifications or anything statically linked to the library) can only be redistributed under LGPL-3, but applications that use the library don't have to be.