
Simple OAuth2 proxy implementation for Czech Data box authentication.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

ISDS OAuth2 Proxy

This code allows your to integrate Czech Data Boxes (ISDS) with your application via standardized OAuth2 protocol. For example, you can add it as an Identity Provider to Azure AD B2C.

  "ISDS": {
    "atsId": "<ats-id>",
    "CertificateSubject": "<subject>"
  "Token": {
    "Secret": "<token-secret>",
    "Issuer": "<issuer>",
    "Audience": "<audience>"


  • Authorize: /api/oauth2/authorize
  • Token: /api/oauth2/token
  • User Info: /api/oauth2/userinfo

Future improvements

  • Support only specified redirect URLs
  • Support only specified client ID and client secret