
This program is a C# program that is very simple in organization. It started from work that Phil Covington did early on in the OpenHPSDR efforts. This became a prototype program that Phil VK6PH (then VK6APH) used to develop lots of hardware and software ideas from this simple base.

George Byrkit K9TRV took over support in general for KISS Konsole, and providing merged updates from what Phil VK6PH produces from his protocol development efforts.

People looked in to how to amend the code so that it would run well under Mono on a Mac or a Linux machine (x86 or x64 architecture, but the executables are designed to run on 32 bit 'x86' platforms, and are not 64 bit executables. They did succeed in their efforts, and KISS Konsole actually runs on Windows and under Mono or equiv on Mac and Linux. Mostly it was network detection that had to bend.