Add openbci equipment

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Say hi to author team.

this metabci project is a great job.

while i checked 'brainflow/amplifiers.py' , there is only Neuroscan, Neuracle, and Curry8. These equipment is fantasy good, while i am using openbci now. Is there any opportunity to get openbci-cython-daisy module to be added in. Or i will try develop on this.

openbci doc
openbci github-python-code

Thanks for your attention on metaBCI.

We will be appreciate for your contributions.

Feel free to start a new pull request.

方便问一下,现在openbci实现和metabci的对接了嘛?(Excuse me, has OpenBCI been integrated with MetaBCI now?)

我用了trick来连接openbci和metabci, 主要是在metabci的流程中用到了pylsl

可以的可以的, 你私信我吧, 我给你直接发文件你先看看

可以的可以的, 你私信我吧, 我给你直接发文件你先看看


我用了trick来连接openbci和metabci, 主要是在metabci的流程中用到了pylsl

