
Example models and shader collection for the OpenSceneGraph project

Primary LanguageGLSL

If not otherwise specified all files in the OpenSceneGraph-Data are provided free 
for non commercial usage. Commercial users may use the data for testing and development purposes,
but may not distribute these models with commercial products.

Thanks to:

    The Configure/*.view files are all published in the public domain, you 
    may do with them what you wish, you can copy them into commercial or 
    non commercial works, and open source works as required.

    Image/land_shallow_topo_2048.jpg is slightly lightened version of the
    NASA blue marble data which is published in the public domain,

    aferescher.geo and associated images are provided by carbongraphics.com

    osgcool.osg, fountain.osg and cessnafire.osg were provided by Marco Jez.

    cube_mapped_torus.osg and Cubemap_axis/ images were provided by Brede Johansen.
    Cubemap_snow/ images provided by Humus - http://esprit.campus.luth.se/~humus/
    shaders/ were provided by Mike Weiblen.
    The rest of the files are compiled by Don Burns and Robert Osfield.