
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is a clone of AirBnB.

Regular Installation Setup

  1. Clone or Fork this directory - https://github.com/TBrockster/Ground-BnB
  2. Run $(sudo npm install) in both /ground-bnb and /ground-bnb/client
  3. To run $(npm run) in both /ground-bnb and /ground-bnb/client
  4. To run tests, in client run $(npm run jas-test)
  5. Install testcafe with $(sudo npm install -g testcafe) - https://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/documentation/getting-started/
  6. To run web tests, from client run $(testcafe chrome ./web-tests/web.test.spec)

Initial Developer Installation Setup

  1. Install Node.JS 10.16.0 (Includes NPM 6.9.0) - https://nodejs.org/en/download/
  2. Run $(node -v), to confirm node version ---Following - https://dev.to/nburgess/creating-a-react-app-with-react-router-and-an-express-backend-33l3 ---
  3. *In the app directory, run $(npm init -y)
  4. *In the app directory, run $(npm add express)
  5. *In the app directory, run $(touch index.js)
  6. *Copy basic express app code into index.js
  7. *In the app directory, run $(sudo npm install -g create-react-app)
  8. *In the app directory, run $(create-react-app client)

Inside ground-bnb/client you can run several commands:

npm start
  Starts the development server.

npm run build
  Bundles the app into static files for production.

npm test
  Starts the test runner.

npm run eject
  Removes this tool and copies build dependencies, configuration files
  and scripts into the app directory. If you do this, you can’t go back!

We suggest that you begin by typing:

  cd client
  npm start
  1. *Add in the line "proxy": "http://localhost:5000" to client/package.json
  2. *In the client directory, run $(npm install react-router-dom --save)

User Stories: Headlines

As a Host So I can list a space I am able to sign in/out

As a Host So I can list a space I am able to sign up

MVP As a Host So I can list a space I am able to list a space

As a Host So I can list all of my properties I am able to list multiple spaces

As a Host So I am able to attact clients I am able to name my space

MVP As a Host So I am able to attact clients I am able to provide a description of my space*

As a Host So I am able to make money I am able to set a price per night

As a Host So I am able to fully book my space I can offer a range of dates for my space

As a Guest So I can travel I can request to hire any space for one night

As a Host So I can maintain my space I am able to approve bookings for my spaces

As a Guest So I can avoid double-booking I am unable to book an already booked property

As a Guest So I can attempt to get a space I am able to book a space until a previous booking request is confirmed

User Stories: Nice-to-haves

As a User So I can track my sign up I receive an email when I sign up

As a Host So I can track my spaces I receive an email when I create a space

As a Host So I can track my spaces I receive an email when I update a space

As a Host So I can respond quickly I receive an email when a user requests to book my space

As a Guest So I know when a booking is accepted I receive an email when a booking request is confirmed

As a Guest So I can track my booking request I receive an email when I request to book a space

As a Guest So I can track my booking request I receive an email when a booking request is confirmed

As a Guest So I can track my booking request I receive an email when a booking request is denied

As a Host So I can track booking requests I receive a text when a user requests to book one of my spaces

As a Guest So I can track my booking requests I receive a text when a booking request is confirmed

As a Guest So I can track my booking requests I receive a text when a booking request is denied

As a Host So I can communicate with a Guest I can use the chat function to message the Guest

As a Guest So I can communite with a Host I can use the chat function to message the Host

As a Guest So I can pay Stripe allows me to pay