

First, clone this repository, then:

cd bank-tech-test bundle install


The purpose of this program is to track the date and amount of deposits and withdrawals, as well as keep a running total of a balance, for a hypothetical bank account.


I considered using classes for deposits and withdrawals, and storing them in an array on BankInterface, but I believe that this strategy of storing each transaction as an fully formatted entry on a 'statement history' array is the simplest way of meeting the acceptance criteria.


Open in a REPL, such as IRB or Pry. require_relative './lib/bank_interface' MyBankInterface =

then play around with methods such as: MyBankInterface.deposit(amount, date) MyBankInterface.withdraw(amount, date) MyBankInterface.print_statement

N.B. amount should be an integer ( e.g. 100), and the date a string (e.g. '01/01/2001')


Running the command 'rspec' in the cli will run the tests, as well as output the coverage.