First WordPress Theme

A short bit about the project.

Future work

  • Convert front-page.php to a home page page template -Done
  • Create home page that uses home page page template -Done
  • Create testimonials post type -Dope
  • On home page template, query for and display testimonials post type in testimonials section -Done
  • Create 3 widget areas on home page page template and widget -Done
  • Load featured image, if set, on home page page template -Done
  • Echo the content in bottom left if there is content -Done
  • icon widget: Use :after or :before to add a dark circle behind icon -Done (used built in wordpress attributes)
  • Make header / footer nav bars fully functional -Done
  • Style sub pages
  • Add sidebar to index template -Done
  • Center align goal text, vertically on home page -Done
  • Make site responsive to different screen sizes