EA Play is great. You get games for a cheap subscription price.
Only issue: You need to click "Play Now" under EVERY EA PLAY GAME on the Steam Store for them to appear in your library.
This project simplifies that into a few clicks. Each ticked game below attempts to "open", and is added to your Steam Library.
While anyone can view a website's code, this project now has a GitHub repo, for those who would like to add games to the list. There aren't notifications for Steam getting new EAPlay games... But I do see GitHub notifications. Create a PR with new games added to it, and I'll merge then sync with my website.
All trademarks and materials are the property of their respective owners and their licensors. This project is not affiliated
with any companies referenced. This is not "Official" software or related to any companies mentioned. The use of names, icons and trademarks does not indicate
endorsement of the trademark holder by this project or its creators, nor vice versa.
I am not responsible for the contents of external links.
For the rest of the disclaimer, refer to the License (GNU General Public License v3.0) file:
https://github.com/TcNobo/TcNo-EAPlay-Adder/blob/master/LICENSE - See sections like 15, 16 and 17, as well as GitHub's
'simplification' at the top of the above website.