
Essential mac apps and settings I use when I setup a new mac

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New Mac Essentials

These are a collection of apps, settings, and more that I install the second I setup a new mac. These include all the apps I cant live without.


Terminal & Dev Stuff

  • Install XCODE and dev tools
  • Install node, python 3, java stuff, rust
  • Install Homebrew
  • Install oh my zsh
  • Enable Natural Text Editing in Iterm
  • Use brew to install clang-format, cmake, ffmpeg, gh, go, k9s, pango, py3cairo, r, scipy, sox, spaceship, speedtest, wabt, yarn, zsh-syntax-highlighting
  • Setup ~/.zprofile with go paths, work configs, shortcuts
  • Install and/or setup the oh-my-zsh plugins in ~/.zshrc: git, node, golang, python, zsh-syntax-highlighting, zsh-autosuggestions
  • Install NVM
  • Set ~/.zshrc ZSH_THEME to spaceship
  • Install Yarn
  • Install git and setup/auth git including changing name and email
  • Install vscode extensions from sync


Mac Settings


  • Enable Dark mode
  • Enable always show scroll bars
  • Enable close windows when quitting an app

Desktop & Screen Saver

  • Set screen saver to show after 5 minutes

Dock & Menu Bar

  • Enable automatically hide and show the dock
  • Enable automatically hide and show menu bar in full screen, disable on desktop
  • Disable not important apps from showing in menu bar


  • Disable optimize mac storage

Security and Privacy

  • Enable require admin password to access system wide preferences (located in advanced)
  • Turn on firewall
  • Turn on firevault
  • Enable Use apple watch to unlock apps


  • Increase trackpad speed