
A program that type checks in Rust but gets a type error in LLVM.

Primary LanguageRust

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A program that type checks in Rust but gets a type error in LLVM.

To build this program, use:

cargo build

You will get the following output:

   Compiling rustc_llvm_type_error v0.1.0 (SomePath\rustc_llvm_type_error)
Function return type does not match operand type of return inst!
  ret %"alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::boxed::Box<core::ops::function::Fn<(&u8), Output=()>>>.0"* %6, !dbg !84
 %"alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::boxed::Box<core::ops::function::Fn<(&u8), Output=()>>>"*LLVM ERROR: Broken function found, compilation aborted!
error: Could not compile `rustc_llvm_type_error`.