
BTCPay Server Zapier Integration

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Easy Automation for BTCPay Server using Zapier - No Programming Skills Required

Make BTCPay work for you with Zapier! Automate your business by connecting BTCPay to Zapier, easily setup workflows for payment notifications and many more.

Free to Use

Get started automating your business today with a free Zapier account. On the free plan, you can create up to 3 automated workflows (Zaps) and complete 100 actions each month.

What can you do with BTCPay Server and Zapier?

With the BTCPay Server integration on Zapier, you can automate a variety of tasks: The BTCPay Server integration on Zapier defines a number of triggers that can be used to tell other applications what to do. You can chain multiple actions and create an entire workflow. Besides triggers, there is also a list of actions to make BTCPay Server do something you want. This can be creating an invoice, for example. In this case the trigger can be something happening on BTCPay Server or in another app or because you received an email.

A simple automation looks like this: Sample Workflow in Zapier

Who is it for?

Zapier makes automation easy. Even if you aren't tech saavy, you can connect your application and create workflows. However, if you anticipate heavy loads, hiring a developer for a custom integration might be more cost-effective in the long run.

Some Use Cases

  • Thank You Emails: Automatically send a "Thank You" email when an invoice is paid in BTCPay Server
  • Integrate with Accounting Software: Create a payment record in your accounting software when an invoice is settled.
  • Request Customer Reviews: After an invoice is paid, a business owner can decide to wait a period of time (say 1-7 days) asking customers for reviews of the products purchased or store experience. This can be achieved with automated emails using BTCPay Server integration with Zapier.
  • Manage Funds: At the end of the day, automatically move 75% of your funds from a hot wallet to your cold wallet.
  • Notify Sales Teams: When an invoice expires, notify your sales team via Slack.
  • Build Your Email list: Automatically add customer email addresses to your Mailchimp account or other newsletter mailing system.
  • Generate Payment Requests: Create a new payment request when a row is added in a Google Spreadsheet and send the payment link to your customer via email.

Getting Started

Head over to the integrations documentation to get started. You will see some examples here + a list of all triggers and actions we support.

BTCPay Server - Zapier


To get started with automating BTCPay Server using Zapier, you'll need the following:

  • Zapier Account. Sign up for a free or paid account at Zapier.com
  • A BTCPay Server instance with at least one store set up.
  • An API key that has access to the store and resources you want to automate. IMPORTANT: Only grant the minimum permissions needed for your automation tasks. See the permissions guide below for specific recommendations.

Security Considerations

When automating tasks with BTCPay Server, you'll be sharing your API key with Zapier, so it's crucial to prioritize security. Create an API key with the least possible permissions For example, if you're only automating one store, give the key access to that store only. BTCPay Server allows you to control access per store, so take advantage of this feature.

Recommended API Key Permissions

Here's a guide to help select the appropriate permissions based on your needs:

If you want to use triggers, you will need to have the permission btcpay.store.webhooks.canmodifywebhooks. It is easy to overlook this one, but Zapier gets its triggers from a webhook, so that must be allowed.

For the various actions we have, you will need different permissions. For actions like creating or modifying invoices, you'll need the btcpay.store.cancreateinvoice and btcpay.store.canmodifyinvoices permissions.

Viewing stores and invoices is also a good idea to add anyway, so those would be btcpay.store.canviewinvoices and btcpay.store.canviewstoresettings.

A good place to start would be these permissions: Example API Permissions

How does it work technically?

  • Every trigger registers its own webhook in the store it is meant for. BTCPay Server does not support global webhooks; each is unique to a specific store.
  • The webhook only handles the single event it is created for.
  • When you enable the Zap, the webhook is automatically created in BTCPay Server. Disabling the Zap will delete the webhook.
  • Each webhook uses its own secret, randomly generated by BTCPay Server.
  • The webhook's request signature BTCPay-Sig is used to verify the identity of the sender.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

I got a 403 Forbidden error, what happened?

If you encointer a 403 forbidden error, it's likely due to insufficient API key permissions. If you are using any of the triggers in Zapier, always make sure you have the btcpay.store.webhooks.canmodifywebhooks permission.

I deleted the webhook from my BTCPay Server store by mistake.

No worries. Just turn your Zap off and on again and the webhook will automatically be recreated in BTCPay Server.

Source Code, Issues and Feature Requests

The Zapier integration source code is available on GitHub. You can use the repository to log issues, request new features, or explore the codebase. Additionally, you can report issues directly through Zapier as you encounter them.

Credits and Support

The BTCPay Server Zapier integration was developed by Storefront.be in their ongoing effort to support this community.

If you are looking to hire professional support or could use a developer for a custom integration, feel free to reach out at Storefront.be.

This repository contains the Zapier integration for BTCPay Server enabling you to automate actions like sending emails or posting chat messages based on triggers from BTCPay Server events (e.g new invoice creation, paid or expiration).