Accepts and returns a response according to a specific JSON format
Only has 1 API
Also do some validation for that request, if not valid request will return an error
Eureka server
Acts as a service registry for application server instances
Upon booting the application servers will register with the eureka server, so we can retrieve the instances address from the eureka server
Routing server
Can only route post request for now
Will forward requests to one of the application server instances
Runs a periodic task every 60s to update the list of available servers
Uses simple round-robin algorithm
How to run
//buildexportJAVA_HOME=path_to_java_11&&./gradlewcleanbuild// run eureka server./gradlewbootRuneureka_server// Run application server(s)PORT=XXX./gradlew:application_server:bootRun// Run routing server./gradlew:routing_server:bootRun
Docker compose
// To be defined, still not figured out all the bugs yet
Some possible improvements
Add more tests to cover more cases
Add more routing algorithms to routing server so that it can take into request / response time in real time
Optimize docker images and fix docker compose related bugs for better containerization experiences