
JavaScript WebSocket Client

Primary LanguageHTML

PieSocket JavaScript Client

A JavaScript Library for PieSocket Realtime.

Note: This package is PieSocket Client SDK (to be used with frontend on browsers), if you are looking for the NodeJS Server SDK, please see PieSocket-NodeJS.



yarn add piesocket-js


npm i piesocket-js


<script src="https://unpkg.com/piesocket-js@4"></script>


Import module:

import PieSocket from 'piesocket-js';

With CDN/Browser:

Use the PieSocket global variable

How To Use

PieSocketJS offers Channels and Portals.


Channels are realtime PubSub connections over WebSocket, they allow you to:

  • Subscribe to events on client side
  • Publish events from server
  • Publish events from client with C2C feature.

See the Channels documentation to learn more about how to use Channels.


Portals are programmable video streams over WebRTC, they allow you to build powerful video applications.

See the Portals documentation to learn more about how to use Portals.


Complete list of allowed configuration options

Option Description Default
apiKey Required, Your PieSocket API key. Demo key
clusterId Required, Your API key's cluster ID. demo
consoleLogs Logs useful connection info if set to true. false
notifySelf Receive messages sent by self, pass 0 to disabled. 1
jwt JWT authentication token, skips authentication endpoint call. null
presence Enable presence events on any channel, pass 1 to enabled. 0
authEndpoint Authentication endpoint for private channels. /broadcasting/auth
authHeaders Headers to include with authEndpoint call. {}
forceAuth Force authentication on all channels. false
userId User ID, used when user does not exists in JWT payload. anonymous
blockchainTestMode Enable/disable test mode, defaults to false i.e., Ethereum main network. Set to true for Rinkeby test network. false
blockchainGasFee Gas fee to set on Ethereum contract calls 41000

PieSocket Object

List of available methods on the PieSocket object

Method Description Returns
subscribe(channelId) Subscribe to a channel. Channel Object
unsubscribe(channelId) Un-subscribe from a channel. Boolean
getConnections() Get list of all active connections/channels for this client. Object

Channel Object

List of available methods on the Channel object

Method Description
listen("event-name", callback) Listen to an event.
publish("event-name", data, meta) Publish message from client.
getMemberByUUID(uuid) Get a Presence member from their uuid.
on("lifecycle-event", callback) Listen to lifecycle events on the native WebSocket connection.
confirmOnBlockchain(event, transaction_hash) Create a proof-of-witness for a Blockchain message, on receiver's end.


  • Clone the repo git clone git@github.com:piesocket/piesocket-js.git
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm start
  • Open http://localhost:8080 in browser

Now you can interactively test the SDK, add features and fix bugs.

Documentation: PieSocket Realtime Docs